Download PC-BASIC - a GW-BASIC emulator for free. A free, cross-platform emulator for GW-BASIC, PCjr & Tandy BASIC. PC-BASIC is a free, cross-platform interpreter for GW-BASIC, BASICA, PCjr Cartridge Basic and Tandy 1000 GWBASIC.
Pc Basic Programs Download
Very nice work. Simple and actual because it has also many selected features other programming languages. I use it to teach my son Programming. Two little things: 1.) In the debug window the elements of arrays is ordered by index but interpreted as text not as number for examle a[0], a[1], a[10], a[11]..a[19],a[2] ... it would be great to correct it. 2.) It is great that the basic256 language held simple... but if the Text output Window would be great to have functionalities of a simple terminal for example carriage return print 'Possibilty overwrite this line'+chr(13) or bel print chr(7) tab, line feed. Sorry for ny bad English, i hope it was to understand :-)
There is hope for kids to learn an amazing programming language. Great work!
It is an magnific old style basic. Thanks.